Saturday 10 May 2014


Hello Everybody

When you look at your friends or your classmates you will see that girl, with the nicest hair in school that is always laughing or smiling. Or that tall, smart boy who is getting the best grades in the year and has everything under control. The majority of the people around look like they are enjoying life, sometimes this is all they will let you see, and that's unfortunate. Because nobody's perfect, in a world where we may seem perfect;everybody has problems one kind or another.

Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. During times like sitting an exam in school, feeling anxious or worried can be perfectly normal. 
However, some people find it hard to control their worries. Their feelings of unease, fear are more constant, peoples anxiety levels will differ with others. If you are calm and pretty fearless your anxiety level will be quite low. On the other hand when we get stressed some of us are a lot more sensitive to it. Therefore can affect their day to day life. 

Around 20% of teenage girls suffer from anxiety so your not alone! I myself suffer from it and it is an awful, uncontrolled feeling, you are unaware when it is going to creep up on you.

Anxiety is very unexpected for me, I get constant butterflies in my stomach, headaches, pins and needles and have trouble sleeping at night. I often stay awake for hours on end feeling anxious and agitated. I find it extremely difficult to concentrate and become very fidgety, and Every possible stressful thought runs through my mind. So if I'm in bed at night I will just lay their and think happy thoughts hoping that it will go, or whether I'm out and about I will just go on a little walk down the woods or round the block for some peaceful fresh air.

Unfortunately I do not know what triggers it at all and that's the worst part about my anxiety, because I cant stop it from happening no matter how hard I try, But knowing that I am not the only teenage girl out there that suffers from anxiety and that they feel the same way instead of people just guessing on what it might feel like if they don't suffer from it(i am jealous of those people)keeps me strong and confident about myself. 

So that is it, thank you for reading this post as it is quite personal to me, I could go into more detail but I didn't want to bore you with a long chatty post. You guys probably were not expecting such a deep post but i love reading others personal stories, I find them very inspirational and there just a nice break from the other cheesy posts haha.

Have a nice day.
Sophie xx

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